Definition (n) a·bil·i·ty
- being able: a natural tendency to do something successfully or well
- competence in an activity or occupation because of one’s skill or training
- intelligence or competence: a high degree of intelligence or competence
From construction experience & design intelligence EARTHTEC has developed a unique ability to combine conventional and innovative design skills with a practical outlook to provide superior project outcomes. This ability is best demonstrated in design/construct projects but can also be delivered via an alternative tender proposal where the client is able to accept there could be a better way…
EARTHTEC project teams offer a broad range of experience, competence and a focus on doing things well. This experience underpinned by independently audited and (JAS/ANZ) accredited management systems helps us to consistently deliver projects in accordance with the defined and agreed project outcomes resulting in guaranteed client satisfaction.
Training and understanding the impact of construction works provides an invaluable foundation for good environmental practice on site. By focusing on minimisation of construction footprint through sensitive design and work methods EARTHTEC has demonstrated its ability to balance the need of commercial construction activity with that of the environment and community as a whole.